Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is there an answer? Who knows...

I've prepared the next set of questions which would have kept with the timeline I proposed in the last posting. I intend to propose and answer these next four questions successively in individual posts in the Budget Questions sidebar section.

1. What is KY's full state budget? How is that money appropriated?
2. Are there other subsidies that can be cut vs. the $46M for education? What makes other state investments more or less likely to be scheduled for cuts?
3. How do our representatives determine amount per person allotted for education in KY? Is there a difference in the value of an education in different portions of the state in relation to the average a county/district receieves per student?
4. Is the course of action our representatives have taken towards education desireable and comparable to what we expect? Does the way the system is currently run limit or direct the potential of those in the education system? Is it deliberate?

Supposing that these questions are legitimate, the answers to which should help us construct a more complete idea of how our legislators determined that cuts to education were a reasonable part of the solution to the immediate budget shortfall.

Monday, March 1, 2010

No Sign of Progress

Finding a way to present my questions to each group involved requires that I make each question distinguished from the others without being irrelevant or rhetorical. If each question is answered sufficiently with its specific content in mind, a general statement or idea might be drawn or concluded. To get the best response from the most people I've decided to present all my questions individually in sequence they are presented in my original post, and using a different method for each.

I'm inquiring sixteen questions from college members, community members, and the leaders of our state at different levels. I will make a new post when I pose each question and comment after getting responses. There will be new questions posted every Tuesday and Thursday. I'm not a pro at writing correspondence, conducting surveys, or extracting information from professionals in their field in attempt to expose a fault. In order to elicit honest and hopefully revealing answers I will not present any of my questioning in a suggestive way. Although together the questioning itself is suggestive of failure by the proprietors of our society.

The introduction of each form of inquisition will begin with a brief introduction of myself follwed by my status at the college and the statement that the question is to satisfy a necessary portion required to complete a scientific study. I will mention Gil's home telephone number for those who feel strongly to express themselves in response to being questioned. An invitation for comments to the blog will also conclude each so to open the door for comments from those most involved in the study. Thanks for your patience while I have debated which approach to use.